Romania announced a new call for projects starting July 5th 2024

- 30% cash rebate on local eligible expenditure
- up to 10.000.000 € for a single project
- Can be cumulated with other state aid
- Up to 60% for EU co-production
- 100% for difficult films

Minimum local spend depends on the type of project:
- 100.000 € for feature film (over 60 mins)
- 100.000 € for each of the episodes of a series
- 50.000 € for documentary film
- 15.000 € for short films, animation films with a duration of at least 5 minutes, or animation series.

Write us an email at to discuss more about your film project!


Our home is in the heart of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca is the second most populous city in Romania and located roughly equidistant from Bucharest, Budapest and Belgrade which makes Cluj-Napoca a very attractive city for tourists. Also Cluj-Napoca is well known for its hospitality this is why it was declared as the most welcoming city in Europe (EUROSTAT).

Beside our outstanding dedication and highly skilled team, we are extremely proud of our location!
Here, in the heart of Transylvania, you can find a wealth of extraordinary, undiscovered landscapes, medieval castles, imperial city architecture, industrial areas and perfectly conserved old villages. Also the seashore, the Black Sea, the exclusive landscape of the Danube Delta and alpine environments are also outstanding.

Permission to shoot on most public locations is generally a quick and easy process and the production costs are medium-low. Another good thing is that you won’t be needing a work permit or a visa, because Romania is a member of the EU.

Let’s start with some dream places at maximum one hour drive from Cluj-Napoca.

Baciu Forest

You like scary things and scary stories? Baciu Forest of Cluj is present in the top 5 scariest places in the world. It is said there are paranormal activities there and In some parts of the forest the trees have unusual shapes, in other parts doesn't grow anything and it is said that paranormal activities are happening over there too. Also Baciu Forest is the place where they were seen several UFOs. Do you dare to enter Baciu Forest? This would fit a great SciFi movie set.

Blue Lagoon

Yes, we can say we have The Blue Lagoon, here in Cluj. The lake is spectacular, the water has a light blue color as the sky. Blue Lagoon, as the lake was called, is surrounded by calcareous rocks and yellowish-green rush bushes, which gives the place a special appearance. The place seems to be removed from Mars, sterile hills of yellow-reddish blue water, and also red water close to that place. Yes, there’s also a Red Lagoon.

Lita Fortress

Lita Fortress is a medieval fortress built 3 km southwest of the village Liteni in Cluj, on a rock above the valley Iara. It was severely damaged due to the explosion of the powder magazine underground fortress on 12 February 1562 after a siege. There are no precise causes about it’s abandonment, but one thing is for sure: the panoramas are gorgeous! It’s a delight to walk around and capture the beauty.

Turda Gorges

Discover the beauty of Turda Gorges step by step, from high cliffs to silky hills and mountain streams. This nature reserve shows a great attraction: The Gorges are 1300m long and the walls have heights reaching 300m. Turda Gorge offers a karst landscape of rare wild: the sharp ridges, stone towers, rocky valleys, debris, arcade, etc. Transylvania has a lot to offer and this place should definitely be on top of your list.

Salt Mine Turda

The Salt Mine is a very famous destination for tourists visiting the town of Turda because of it’s veritable history museum. Even Business Insider ranked this place as one of the most beautiful places in the world. The main attractions are the Iosif mine which is 112 meters deep with a powerful echo, Crivac room that has an installation used for lifting salt rocks on the surface, Terezia mine with an amazing underground lake, and a lot of other wonders that await to be discovered.

Banffy Castle

Banffy Castle is the largest castle in Transylvania, one of the major attractions of Transylvania and Romania's Baroque. In 1990, it was declared a historical monument, and in 1999 began the restoration and rehabilitation. The landscape is hilly and the area is crossed by many important rivers.

The Black Sea

Nicknamed the Romanian Riviera, the littoral stretches over a length of 245 km of fine and golden sand. When the sun sets, everything starts vibrating. The ruins of ancient ports Tomis and Callatis will charm you. Constanta one the largest cities in Romania, is a cultural delight of national importance, worth exploring and also the Casino, an Art Nouveau architecture in Romania, is considered as the symbol of the city.

Danube Delta

If you love wildlife, this place will make you feel like in paradise. It has the highest concentration of bird colonies in all Europe. 300 species of birds make Danube Delta their home, including cormorants, white tailed eagles and glossy ibises. But not only birds, but you can also find a large variety of plants of fish and animals, from wildcats, foxes and wolves, to even an occasional boar or deer.


The incredible alpine views also provide the habitat for the largest European populations of brown bears, wolves, chamois and lynxes. The Carpathians also have many thermal and mineral waters and a large surface of forests. Glacial valleys, calcareous regions, unique and irregular shapes of rocks, incredible caves, deep valley and gorges… It’s like an open natural museum!


Because of our castles, Transylvania is often associated with vampires. Bran Castle is known by “Dracula’s Castle”, which makes it a unique place. Also Peles Castle is considered one of the most stunning castles in Europe, together with Corvin Castle, Rasnov and Fagaras Fortress. A fairy tale that has become true!


If you have developed a passion for architecture and if you are looking for great monuments and fine exemples of gothic, folk, baroque and renaissance architecture, there are plenty of beautiful cities such as Cluj-Napoca, Brasov, Alba-Iulia, Sibiu or Timisoara.


Have you ever wanted to go back in time? Well, the small villages will make you feel like you traveled some decades: shepherds still tend sheep and cows, old wrinkled people are sitting in front of their traditional houses, carts being dragged by horses and so many other forgotten habits.

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Every great story deserves to be told. Let’s create something amazing together
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